
Praise Defined

"Speak to the children of israel and say to them; These are my appointed feasts, the appointed feast of the Lord, which you are to proclaim as Sacred Assemblies" - Leviticus 23:2.

At Scarlet 2 Snow, we believe that praise and/or worship is not just about music and what takes place within the musical aspect of worship but more about living a life of worship 24/7-at our jobs, in our relationships, our finances, the way we spend our time and the communion of a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST. Rom 12:1-2

There are more than one way to praise the Lord - and each act of praise can take you to a greater dimension of HIS presence. Praise and worship through closely related need to be understood separately in order to appreciate fully the true value of praise versus that of worship.

Praise is one aspect of the worship experience for which the scriptures give specific instructions regarding its place, purpose and power in our lives as worshipers. Praise and Thanksgiving dwell on things GOD has done, is doing or is going to do, while worship expresses our devotion to GOD for who HE is. Praising GOD brings us into HIS presence and worship in our hearts response to GOD after we are in HIS presence. Ps 100:4 tells how to praise GOD by entering into HIS presence with thanksgiving, we can then enter in HIS gates with praise because worship is far different from praise.

Praise is the result of passion. Extravagant passion gripped the hearts of Simon Peter, James, John, Andrew and Phillip to walk away from prosperous fishing businesses and follow a man with no permanent home and no full time job. HE did not promise them riches or honour, title or position - but a passion possessed each of them to simply be in HIS presence.